Author Archive: Sandie Will

Hydrogeologic manager, Sandie Will, blogs about her field, travel and management experiences, and hosts the "A Day in the GeoLife" blog series where geoscientists around the world share their careers and advice for students.

NASA Postdoc Fellow, Tectonics, Chris Milliner @Geo_GIF: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Chris Milliner CURRENT TITLE: NASA Postdoc Fellow AREA OF EXPERTISE: Active tectonics, faulting mechanics, tectonic geomorphology, geodesy, hydrogeodesy If we were in an elevator: I use geodetic imaging systems (e.g., radar interferometry and optical satellite imagery) to measure surface deformation…
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Hydrologist Samuel Mwangi @Hydr_Mwangi: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Samuel Mwangi CURRENT TITLE: Hydrologist AREA OF EXPERTISE: Surface water resources; hydroinformatic modeler YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 1 EDUCATION: I hold a Bachelor of Science in Hydrology and Water Resources Management from South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU). I will soon be enrolling…
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Research Fellow, Volcanology, Dr. Erouscilla P. Joseph @erouscillaj: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Dr. Erouscilla P. Joseph CURRENT TITLE: Research Fellow (Volcanology) at The University of the West Indies (UWI) Seismic Research Centre AREA OF EXPERTISE: Involved in the study of fluid geochemistry associated with active volcanic systems. My primary responsibilities include the collection and…
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PhD Student, Australian Earthquake Geology, Tamarah King @tamarahking: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Tamarah King CURRENT TITLE: PhD student AREA OF EXPERTISE: Earthquake geology, paleoseismology, structural geology YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 4 EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science – 3 years Master of Science (Earth Sciences) with honours – 2 years PhD – current (2.5…
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Groundwater Processes in Nutrient Budgets, Viviana Re @biralnas: GeoProject Series

NAME: Viviana Re SHORT BIO: Viviana Re holds a PhD in Analysis and Governance of Sustainable Development (2011), a MSc in Environmental Sciences (2007) and a BSc. in Natural Sciences (2003). From 2009 to 2011, she has collaborated with UNESCO-IHP…
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Sustainability Mountain Leader, Darren Axe @dnaxe: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Darren Axe CURRENT TITLE: International Mountain Leader (since 2016) and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (U.K.) AREA OF INTEREST: Core interest in the concepts, challenges, and opportunities presented by the Sustainable Development agenda. EDUCATION: BSc Physical Geography Degree from Lancaster University…
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PhD Candidate, Volcanology, James A. Farrell @breakmohrrocks: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: James A. Farrell CURRENT TITLE: PhD candidate AREA OF EXPERTISE: Structural geology and physical volcanology EDUCATION:  I am currently a PhD candidate at Syracuse University studying structural geology and physical volcanology. Previously, I earned an MS at the University of…
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St. Elias National Park

Vertebrate Paleontologist, Jacqueline Richard @camarasaurus145: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Jacqueline Richard CURRENT TITLE: Associate Professor of Geology AREA OF EXPERTISE: I am a Vertebrate Paleontologist currently working on the K-Pg boundary. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: I have taught at Delgado Community College for 11 years! EDUCATION: I have a Bachelor of Arts in Biology…
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Aspiring Paleontologist, Cam Muskelly @PaleoCameron: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Cam Muskelly CURRENT TITLE: Aspiring paleontologist, science communicator AREA OF EXPERTISE: Historical geology, deep time geology, paleontology YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: I have been communicating to the public about paleontology for 5 years now. EDUCATION: I am a recent high school graduate. I…
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metal mining

Metal Mining Project, PhD Researcher, William D. Smith @ExplorePGE: GeoProject Series

NAME: William D. Smith BIO: I undertook BSc (Hons) Geology at the University of Portsmouth, where my dissertation involved mapping and deciphering a remote and complex geological region in southeastern Brazil as a partnership with the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. I…
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Martin Trauth

UPDATED! Professor, Paleoclimate Dynamics, Martin H. Trauth @MartinHTrauth: A Day in the GeoLife Series

UPDATED 3/16/20 NAME: Martin H. Trauth CURRENT TITLE: Apl. Professor of Paleoclimate Dynamics, University of Potsdam, Germany AREA OF EXPERTISE: Paleoclimate dynamics of the lower latitudes, data analysis, and statistics in earth sciences. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: Apl. Professor, University of Potsdam (since 2011), senior…
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Pterosaur Paleontology, Hebert Bruno Campos @hebert_campos: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Hebert Bruno Campos CURRENT TITLE: Pterosaurologist AREA OF EXPERTISE: Pterosaur paleontology, vertebrate paleontology YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 20 EDUCATION: Graduation (Licenciature in Biology, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú, Brazil), Paleontology of Vertebrates. WEBSITE: What’s your job like? I am investigating the anatomy…
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Geology of Cuba by Julie Zydek

Geology of Cuba By Julie Zydek From March 18 to March 23, 2018, I visited Western Cuba with the Southeastern Geological Society (SEGS) to study outcrops and the geomorphology of the western part of the island. The geology of the Cuban…
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