Rock-Paper-Fossils? By Kostas Mandilaris @methanol1988 An informative interview with a Professional Hydrogeologist

Hi everyone!  Just a short post to let you know that about a week ago, hydrogeology student, Kostas Mandilaris, asked if he could interview me on my career in hydrogeology, since he will soon be starting an MSc program in hydrogeology this fall in Uppsala, Sweden.  Not only did he want to learn more about my career, but he also wanted to add the interview to his blog, “The Pursuit of Happiness – Preparing for Life in Uppsala,” to share the information with other students.  He has several interesting posts on his blog about his life since deciding to move from Greece to Sweden, so this interview fits right in.

His questions were well prepared, and he asked several that build on the “A Day in the Life” series. Stop by and see!

Here’s the link to the interview:  Rock-Paper-Fossils? An informational interview with a professional hydrogeologist!

Kostas is also looking for others to interview.  If you’d like to participate, please let him know by commenting on his blog.

Thank you, Kostas!