ESRI Geography Instructor, Dr. Joseph Kerski @josephkerski: A Day in the GeoLife Series
NAME: Dr. Joseph Kerski
CURRENT TITLE: Esri Education Manager
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Geography, earth science, geotechnology, education
A science blog that brings you closer to the world of geology! Featuring the "A Day in the GeoLife" and "GeoProject" guest blog series from geoscientists around the world.
NAME: Dr. Joseph Kerski
CURRENT TITLE: Esri Education Manager
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Geography, earth science, geotechnology, education
NAME: Ailsa Naismith CURRENT TITLE: First-year postgraduate research student at the University of Bristol AREA OF EXPERTISE: I use a variety of geophysical techniques to understand the eruptive activity of the active Fuego volcano in southern Guatemala. I’m also interested in…
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NAME: Alison Graettinger UPDATED POST: DECEMBER 30, 2016 NEW TITLE: Assistant Professor AREA OF EXPERTISE: Volcanology CAREER UPDATE: Following 3.5 years of life as a postdoc, I have now started working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geosciences…
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NAME: Scott Watson CURRENT TITLE: PhD Student at the University of Leeds, United Kingdom (2015 – present) AREA OF EXPERTISE: Himalayan glaciology/remote sensing EDUCATION: BSc Geography at the University of Leeds (2009 – 2012). MSc River Basin Dynamics and Management…
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NAME: Andrew Britton CURRENT TITLE: Assistant Staff Scientist at Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS), San Diego, California AREA OF EXPERTISE: Planetary geology of Mars; remote sensing YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 9 years (image processing). EDUCATION: M.Sc. Space Science, University College London (2012); B.S….
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NAME: HADI EL-SHOURBAGI (هادى الشوربجى) CURRENT TITLE: Assistant Lecturer at the Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Minia University, Egypt AREA OF EXPERTISE: Structural Geology, Tectonics, Geological Applications of Remote Sensing, Field Geology, Mineral Exploration, Petrology, Tectonic Geomorphology and Geographic Information…
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NAME: Homero Paltan CURRENT TITLE: PhD Candidate in Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, United Kingdom. Topic of research: ‘Rivers and Hydrology in Cold Regions: Sensitivity to Climate Change’ AREAS OF INTEREST: River dynamics, water sources and climate change;…
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NAME: Louise Ireland CURRENT TITLE: Geomatics Specialist at British Antarctic Survey AREA OF EXPERTISE: Collection and analysis of a range of satellite, airborne and terrestrial datasets YEARS EXPERIENCE: 3.5 EDUCATION: MSc Remote Sensing (University College London, United Kingdom), BSc Geography…
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NAME: Dr. Tom Holt CURRENT TITLE: Lecturer in Physical Geography AREA OF EXPERTISE: I am a glaciologist who uses remote sensing data and techniques to assess changes to the cryosphere, focusing on the structural and dynamic evolution of ice sheets,…
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NAME: Tom Pering CURRENT TITLE: PhD Candidate AREA OF EXPERTISE: Volcanology (Remote Sensing and Modelling) YEARS EXPERIENCE: 4 EDUCATION: BSc Physical Geography at the University of Reading and MSc Volcanology and Geological Hazards at Lancaster University WEBSITE: http://www.volcano-blog.com/ What’s your…
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