
Sam Ocon

Evolutionary Rate in Xiphosura (Horseshoe Crab), Sam Ocon @coolacanth: GeoProject Series

NAME: Sam Ocon (they/she)
PROJECT TITLE: Examining Evolutionary Rate in Xiphosura
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Sam has expertise in paleobiology, paleoecology, programming in R, and an overall background in geology. Over the course of their career, they have worked on everything from mammals to plankton to horseshoe crabs.

PostDoc Research Fellow, Snowpack Evolution Modeling, Wassim Mohamed BABA @MatarNissan: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Wassim Mohamed BABA
CURRENT TITLE: Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco).
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Snowpack evolution modeling, remote sensing, data assimilation, data analysis and geographic information system (GIS).

Hydrology PhD Candidate, Tunde Olarinoye @tundeham: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Tunde Olarinoye
CURRENT TITLE: Scientific employee/PhD candidate;
Chair of hydrological modelling and water resources
University of Freiburg, Germany
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Hydrogeology, modelling, data analysis and management, GIS


Associate Professor, Geostatistics, Dr. Michael Pyrcz @GeostatsGuy: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Michael Pyrcz
CURRENT TITLE: Associate Professor, Cockrell School of Engineering, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Subsurface/Spatial Data Analytics, Geostatistics, and Machine Learning

Geothermal Geology Technician, Daniel Dores @RootsandRocks: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Daniel Dores
CURRENT TITLE: Geothermal Geology Technician
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Environmental geochemistry, hydrology, renewable energy

Research Geophysicist, Avinash Kumar Chouhan @sciencekaree: A Day in the GeoLife Series

Research Geophysicist, Avinash Kumar Chouhan, shares his typical day in the field and advice for students on the A Day in the GeoLife Series.

PhD Student, Landslide Modeling, Badal Pokharel @GarnetBadal: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Badal Pokharel
CURRENT TITLE: Ph.D. Student, Landslide Hazard Assessment
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Landslide susceptibility modeling using remote sensing techniques and GIS

Hydrogeologist, Anggita Agustin @impipsqueak: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Anggita Agustin CURRENT TITLE: Hydrogeologist AREA OF EXPERTISE: Environmental Hydrogeologist (Contaminated Site Management) YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 5 years EDUCATION: M.Sc WEBSITE: TWITTER NAME: impipsqueak What’s your job like? Challenging! First of all, it’s nice being outdoors and exploring. Ultimately, I love how groundwater works….
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Principal Geophysicist, Alastair McClymont @geofantacist: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Alastair McClymont
CURRENT TITLE: Principal Geophysicist
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Near-surface geophysics for environmental and engineering investigations.

Geography instructor

ESRI Geography Instructor, Dr. Joseph Kerski @josephkerski: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Dr. Joseph Kerski
CURRENT TITLE: Esri Education Manager
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Geography, earth science, geotechnology, education

Associate Professor, Hydrogeology, Grant Ferguson @geosomething: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Grant Ferguson
CURRENT TITLE: Centennial Enhancement Chair and Associate Professor

Economic Geologist, Dr. Katie McFall @DrKatieMcFall: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Dr. Katie McFall
CURRENT TITLE: Postdoctoral Research Associate
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Economic Geology

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