Research Science Associate, Seismic Imaging, Rob Porritt @robporritt: A Day in the GeoLife Series
Research Science Associate, Rob Porritt, shares his career in regional scale passive source seismic imaging on the A Day in the GeoLife Series.
A science blog that brings you closer to the world of geology! Featuring the "A Day in the GeoLife" and "GeoProject" guest blog series from geoscientists around the world.
Research Science Associate, Rob Porritt, shares his career in regional scale passive source seismic imaging on the A Day in the GeoLife Series.
NAME: Tamarah King CURRENT TITLE: PhD student AREA OF EXPERTISE: Earthquake geology, paleoseismology, structural geology YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 4 EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science – 3 years Master of Science (Earth Sciences) with honours – 2 years PhD – current (2.5…
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NAME: Chris Spencer CURRENT TITLE: Research Fellow, Department of Applied Geology, Curtin University, Australia AREA OF EXPERTISE: Tectonochemistry YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: Since birth (I was born a geologist) EDUCATION: BSc in Geology: Brigham Young University 2009 MSc in Geology: Brigham Young…
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NAME: Dr. Sallie Burrough Current title: Trapnell Fellow of African Environments, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Area of expertise: Quaternary Science, Deserts, Long-term Ecology, Geochronology Years of experience: 8 years since finishing PhD Education: BA in Geography, MSc in Quaternary…
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NAME: Kelly Blake CURRENT TITLE: Geologist AREA OF EXPERTISE: Geothermal exploration YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 4.5 EDUCATION: Undergraduate degree in Environmental Geoscience from Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania; Master’s degree in Geology from Temple University in Philadelphia. I also spent two years working…
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NAME: Jerome Mayaud CURRENT TITLE: PhD student at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom AREA OF EXPERTISE: Dryland Geomorphology, Glaciology, Computational Modelling YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 3rd year of PhD EDUCATION: PhD Dryland Geomorphology, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford; MPhil…
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NAME: Andrew Britton CURRENT TITLE: Assistant Staff Scientist at Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS), San Diego, California AREA OF EXPERTISE: Planetary geology of Mars; remote sensing YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 9 years (image processing). EDUCATION: M.Sc. Space Science, University College London (2012); B.S….
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