Geothermal Geology Technician, Daniel Dores @RootsandRocks: A Day in the GeoLife Series
NAME: Daniel Dores
CURRENT TITLE: Geothermal Geology Technician
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Environmental geochemistry, hydrology, renewable energy
A science blog that brings you closer to the world of geology! Featuring the "A Day in the GeoLife" and "GeoProject" guest blog series from geoscientists around the world.
NAME: Daniel Dores
CURRENT TITLE: Geothermal Geology Technician
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Environmental geochemistry, hydrology, renewable energy
NAME: Ericson Bariso
CURRENT TITLE: Science Research Specialist I
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Physical Volcanology, Volcanic Hazards, Petrology and Petrography, Geochemistry, History, Field Geology, and GIS
Iceland Adventure By Hannah Rahman Recently, I had the opportunity to travel to Iceland for a 12-day adventure with the University of South Florida’s Outdoor Recreation Program. I found myself feeling hesitant because it was the first time I flew…
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NAME: Dr. Erouscilla P. Joseph CURRENT TITLE: Research Fellow (Volcanology) at The University of the West Indies (UWI) Seismic Research Centre AREA OF EXPERTISE: Involved in the study of fluid geochemistry associated with active volcanic systems. My primary responsibilities include the collection and…
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NAME: Chris Yeomans CURRENT TITLE: PhD student and Postgraduate Research Assistant at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom AREA OF EXPERTISE: GIS, geophysics, geological lineament detection, SW England geology, geological mapping, structural geology, geothermal energy exploration YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: Final year…
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NAME: Dr. Jessica Ball CURRENT TITLE: Research Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey AREA OF EXPERTISE: Volcanology, science communication EDUCATION: BSc (4 years), PhD (5 years), Policy Fellow (1 year), Postdoc (3 years) WEBSITE: http://blogs.agu.org/magmacumlaude TWITTER: @Tuff_Cookie What’s your job like? My job is…
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NAME: Dr. Hazel Gibson CURRENT TITLE: Research Fellow in Public Perception of Geothermal Power AREA OF EXPERTISE: I work in Geoscience Cognition and Communication; basically how people think about geoscience, and how that influences how they talk about it. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: Experience…
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NAME: Kelly Blake CURRENT TITLE: Geologist AREA OF EXPERTISE: Geothermal exploration YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 4.5 EDUCATION: Undergraduate degree in Environmental Geoscience from Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania; Master’s degree in Geology from Temple University in Philadelphia. I also spent two years working…
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NAME: Dr. Tim I. Yilmaz CURRENT TITLE: Postdoctoral researcher at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU Munich) (@LMU_volc on Twitter), Germany AREA OF EXPERTISE: Volcanology YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 10 years of education EDUCATION: I started with my undergraduate studies in…
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NAME: Helen Robinson CURRENT TITLE: Ph.D. candidate at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom (UK) UPDATE 1/29/18! Helen is now a Research Assistant with the Climate Justice Fund at the University of Strathclyde. She’s doing sustainable hydrogeology for geothermal development…
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NAME: Brian Ricketts CURRENT TITLE: Semi-retired consultant YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 40+ AREA OF EXPERTISE: Sedimentology (classics, carbonates, volcaniclastics), sequence stratigraphy, sedimentary basin analysis, hydrogeology, basin-scale fluid flow, geochemistry, well-site geology, wireline log interpretation, project management, university teaching, consulting EDUCATION: I…
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NAME: David McNamara CURRENT TITLE: Structural Geologist AREA OF EXPERTISE: Energy and Tectonics Research YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 6 years post-PhD EDUCATION: Undergraduate degree from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland and PhD from University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. What’s your job like?…
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