Principal Geophysicist, Alastair McClymont @geofantacist: A Day in the GeoLife Series
NAME: Alastair McClymont
CURRENT TITLE: Principal Geophysicist
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Near-surface geophysics for environmental and engineering investigations.
A science blog that brings you closer to the world of geology! Featuring the "A Day in the GeoLife" and "GeoProject" guest blog series from geoscientists around the world.
NAME: Alastair McClymont
CURRENT TITLE: Principal Geophysicist
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Near-surface geophysics for environmental and engineering investigations.
NAME: Dr. Joseph Kerski
CURRENT TITLE: Esri Education Manager
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Geography, earth science, geotechnology, education
NAME: Grant Ferguson
CURRENT TITLE: Centennial Enhancement Chair and Associate Professor
NAME: David Colby
CURRENT TITLE: PhD Student in physical volcanology
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Physical volcanology; Geochemistry
NAME: Dr. Eddie Dempsey
CURRENT TITLE: Lecturer in Structural Geology; Programme Director – Geology and GPG (geology with physical geography)
AREA OF EXPERTISE: I have a broad range of expertise within the field of Structural Geology – Field Mapping, Palaeoseismicity, Tectonics, Palaeostress analysis, Microstructural geology, EBSD, Re-Os geochronology of sulphides, U-Pb Geochronology (zircon & calcite)
NAME: Sandra McLaren
CURRENT TITLE: Senior Lecturer
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Tectonics, Structural Geology, Stratigraphy, Geoscience Education
NAME: Diego González García
CURRENT TITLE: Postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Turin, Italy
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Experimental petrology, geochemistry, volcanology
NAME: Dmitri Rouwet
CURRENT TITLE: Researcher in Volcanology, INGV, Italy
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Active crater lakes
NAME: Dr. Katie McFall
CURRENT TITLE: Postdoctoral Research Associate
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Economic Geology
NAME: Rachel Bobich
CURRENT TITLE: Geologist/Hydrographer
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Marine geology, geophysics, mapping, data processing
NAME: Cara Burberry
CURRENT TITLE: Associate Professor
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Structural Geology
Research Science Associate, Rob Porritt, shares his career in regional scale passive source seismic imaging on the A Day in the GeoLife Series.