Monthly Archive: August 2016

UPDATED! Vertebrate Paleontology Student, Melanie During @MelanieDuring: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Melanie A. D. During CURRENT TITLE: (UPDATED 9/6/18) Master in Earth Science AREA OF EXPERTISE: Vertebrate Paleontology, applying isotope geochemistry and synchrotron CT on bone histology. EDUCATION/EXPERIENCE:  I started my bachelor’s program in Earth Sciences in 2009, including a minor in…
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Blyde River Canyon

PhD Student, Early Earth Sedimentology, Matthew Warke @matthewrwarke: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Matthew Warke CURRENT TITLE: PhD student at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, United Kingdom (2013-present) AREA OF EXPERTISE: Field geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy EDUCATION: BSc (Hons) Geology from the University of St Andrews (2009-2013), PhD at…
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mineral processing

PhD Student, Mineral Processing, Milly Owens @camillalowens: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME:  Milly Owens CURRENT TITLE:  PhD Student at Camborne School of Mines (CSM), University of Exeter (2015-present) AREA OF EXPERTISE:  Mineral Processing, Rare Earth Elements EDUCATION:  BSc in Physics from the University of Southampton (2010-2013), MSc in Volcanology from the University…
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coastal geology

Marine Research Scientist, Alessio Rovere @alessio_r_: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME:  Alessio Rovere CURRENT TITLE:  Junior Group Leader; Adjunct Research Scientist AREA OF EXPERTISE:  Marine Sciences, Sea Level and Coastal Changes YEARS OF EXPERIENCE:  5+ EDUCATION:  I was born 100 meters from the Mediterranean Sea in Northwestern Italy. In 2011,…
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