NAME: Indra Lamsal
CURRENT TITLE: Assistant Lecturer, Engineering Geologist
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Karst investigation, geophysics, engineering, and mining geology
M.Sc. Geology with specialization of Engineering Geology (2015-2018)- Central Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
B.Sc. with Geology major (2011-2014) – Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Higher Secondary education (2008-2010) Jana Higher Secondary School, Surkhet
TWITTER NAME: @lamsal_indra
What’s your job like?
I am an assistant lecturer at the Central Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University (TU) in Kathmandu, Nepal. My responsibilities involve sharing and teaching the concepts and practical applications of geophysics and geochemistry in the field and laboratory analyses, using different methods to investigate the surface and subsurface information responsible for the geology, mineral deposits, the anomalous region, and the geological hazards of the area. I’m also working as a freelance engineering geologist in different projects of national pride. I’m using my knowledge to investigate the geological hazards and mitigate the risks for sustainable development of the country. I collect the geo-mechanical properties of rocks in the field and use them for stability analyses of the area to find the mechanisms and types of failure.
What’s a typical day like?
I spend most days at the University. At present, I spend most of my time under an in-home quarantine and sometimes do fieldwork with great care due to the lockdown and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. My daily routine might change when I have fieldwork. I like to review journals and articles related to my subject of interest in my free time. I prefer to visit the library and gather the information that I can share with my students.
What’s fun?
The most fun is doing field visits and identifying and learning new things every day. I enjoy exploring hazardous regions by using geophysical methods and suggesting proper treatment for the problem. I feel it’s fun to discuss and exchange geological knowledge with my students and my respected professors. The amazingly fun part of my subject is to share and explain the real mechanisms of geological hazards like floods, landslides, and earthquakes to the local people of the community.
What’s challenging?
The most challenging part of my profession is to provide equal concepts and visualizations of my geologic knowledge to a group of students with differing learning capacities. I frequently come across different problems with interpreting the subsurface information by using the data of geophysical methods, as it is an indirect method of investigation. Sometimes complex geological conditions are far different than the normal sequences in the field, making field mapping and interpretation of the area challenging.
What’s your advice to students?
Field geology is the subject of learning by doing. Every scientific research work and study requires a lot of patience and determination to achieve fruitful results. I personally define geology as the literature of science so it needs a wide range of conceptualization to imagine and visualize a model of the earth’s systems. To be a good field geologist, start loving the rock and geologic features around you. I want to convey a message to the students all over the world that you can do it if you want to. You just need to have patience and a hard-working nature.