Marine Geologist, Rachel Bobich @4TheCraterGood: A Day in the GeoLife Series
NAME: Rachel Bobich
CURRENT TITLE: Geologist/Hydrographer
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Marine geology, geophysics, mapping, data processing
A science blog that brings you closer to the world of geology! Featuring the "A Day in the GeoLife" and "GeoProject" guest blog series from geoscientists around the world.
NAME: Rachel Bobich
CURRENT TITLE: Geologist/Hydrographer
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Marine geology, geophysics, mapping, data processing
NAME: Danielle CURRENT TITLE: Master’s Student AREA OF EXPERTISE: Volcanic geochemistry, petrology/mineralogy and immiscibility YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: I have been studying for about two years now and will be receiving my Master’s this December. EDUCATION: University of South Florida School…
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NAME: Bob Gooday TITLE: PhD Student, Cardiff University, United Kingdom PROJECT TITLE: “The Formation and Evolution of the Arran Central Complex” AREA OF EXPERTISE: Field geology, igneous petrology and geochemistry EDUCATION: (2014-Present) – Cardiff University; (2009-2014) – MEarthSci, University of Edinburgh. For…
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NAME: Zahid Majeed CURRENT TITLE: Geologist AREA OF EXPERTISE: I am a geologist for the Geological Survey of India, and my current division is Glaciology. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 4 EDUCATION: I have a Master’s from the University of Kashmir, Srinagar…
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NAME: John Van Hoesen CURRENT TITLE: Associate Professor of Geology & Environmental Studies AREA OF EXPERTISE: Glacial/fluvial geomorphology, surficial/soil mapping, spatial analysis, applied geographic information system (GIS), and geoscience education YEARS EXPERIENCE: ~18 EDUCATION: B.S. Geology, University of Albany, New…
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NAME: Louise Ireland CURRENT TITLE: Geomatics Specialist at British Antarctic Survey AREA OF EXPERTISE: Collection and analysis of a range of satellite, airborne and terrestrial datasets YEARS EXPERIENCE: 3.5 EDUCATION: MSc Remote Sensing (University College London, United Kingdom), BSc Geography…
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NAME: Stephanie Sykora CURRENT TITLE: PhD student and geo-blogger AREA OF EXPERTISE: Mineral exploration, ore deposits (gold and copper), structural geology, geological mapping, geotourism, blogging, travel, earth science education YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 1.5 years as a PhD research candidate at the…
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NAME: Anna Bidgood CURRENT TITLE: Undergraduate and exploration geologist YEARS EXPERIENCE: 1 EDUCATION: I am currently an undergraduate studying Earth Science at Oxford University. This summer, I am working for a mining company in exploration geology in Peru, looking for copper…
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At many universities, students are required to attend a summer field camp in order to receive their geology degrees. For some, this is an exciting adventure, but for others, it’s like a dreaded boot camp. The difference is usually due…
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