Tag Archive: volcanology

NEW UPDATE! Research Fellow, Volcanology, Dr. Geoff Lerner @tyranakisaurus: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Dr. Geoff Lerner
CURRENT TITLE: Research Fellow at the Earth Observatory of Singapore
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Physical volcanology, volcanic hazards, paleomagnetism


Lecturer, Geochemistry, Dr. Marc K. Reichow @marcreichow: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Dr. Marc K. Reichow
CURRENT TITLE: Lecturer in Igneous and Metamorphic Geochemistry
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Petrology, Geochemistry, Volcanology, Geochronology – my general interests focuses on the petrogenesis of large scale volcanism

PhD Student, Volcanology, Jorge E. Romero Moyano @jeromerovolcan: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Jorge E. Romero Moyano
CURRENT TITLE: PhD Student/Geologist
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Physical volcanology, exploring processes of magma fragmentation and deposition over the Earth’s surface.

David Colby

PhD Student, Volcanology, David Colby @dj_colby: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: David Colby
CURRENT TITLE: PhD Student in physical volcanology
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Physical volcanology; Geochemistry

PhD Candidate, Volcanology, Lis Gallant @lisgallant: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Lis Gallant
CURRENT TITLE: PhD Candidate, Instructor, Assistant Field Camp Coordinator
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Volcanology, specifically the assessment of lava flow hazards

PostDoc, Petrology and Geochemistry, Diego González García @dgonzalez_83: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Diego González García
CURRENT TITLE: Postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Turin, Italy
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Experimental petrology, geochemistry, volcanology


Research Fellow, Volcanology, Dr. Erouscilla P. Joseph @erouscillaj: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Dr. Erouscilla P. Joseph CURRENT TITLE: Research Fellow (Volcanology) at The University of the West Indies (UWI) Seismic Research Centre AREA OF EXPERTISE: Involved in the study of fluid geochemistry associated with active volcanic systems. My primary responsibilities include the collection and…
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PhD Candidate, Volcanology, James A. Farrell @breakmohrrocks: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: James A. Farrell CURRENT TITLE: PhD candidate AREA OF EXPERTISE: Structural geology and physical volcanology EDUCATION:  I am currently a PhD candidate at Syracuse University studying structural geology and physical volcanology. Previously, I earned an MS at the University of…
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PostDoc Research Associate, Volcanology, Dr. Katie Preece @KatieJPreece: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Dr. Katie Preece CURRENT TITLE: Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom AREA OF EXPERTISE: Volcanology, igneous petrology, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 10 EDUCATION: I did my first degree, a 4-year undergraduate…
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Mount Sinabung

Research Geologist, Dr. Jessica Ball @Tuff_Cookie: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Dr. Jessica Ball CURRENT TITLE: Research Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey AREA OF EXPERTISE:  Volcanology, science communication EDUCATION: BSc (4 years), PhD (5 years), Policy Fellow (1 year), Postdoc (3 years) WEBSITE: http://blogs.agu.org/magmacumlaude TWITTER: @Tuff_Cookie What’s your job like? My job is…
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Science Educator @basalticcraver: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Carver CURRENT TITLE: Educational Consultant/Resident Scientist AREA OF EXPERTISE: Science Education EDUCATION: I got my BS in Geosciences, then my Masters in Geosciences took 2 years. However, I’ve worked with education-based summer sailing programs seasonally for the last 8 years, so…
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Nevado de Colima

Research Student, Volcanology, Ailsa Naismith @AilsaNaismith: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Ailsa Naismith CURRENT TITLE: First-year postgraduate research student at the University of Bristol AREA OF EXPERTISE: I use a variety of geophysical techniques to understand the eruptive activity of the active Fuego volcano in southern Guatemala. I’m also interested in…
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geology professor

Associate Geology Professor, Dr. Meagen Pollock @meagenpollock: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Meagen Pollock CURRENT TITLE: Associate Professor of Geology at a small liberal arts college AREA OF EXPERTISE: I use lava chemistry to understand how volcanoes work. I mostly work on volcanoes that erupt under water or ice. I’m also interested in…
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