Monthly Archive: February 2015

Mining Engineer, Simon Hobson @Hobson_SP: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME:  Simon P. Hobson CURRENT TITLE: Mining engineering and trading consultant for mining brokerage firms. AREA OF EXPERTISE:  My particular interest is in iron ore and coal, and my experience comes from England, West Africa and Latin America. I came late, at…
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Palaeontologist, Dean Lomax @Palaeo7: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME:  Dean R. Lomax CURRENT TITLE:  Palaeontologist; Honorary Scientist at the University of Manchester (UK); Honorary Research Associate at Doncaster Museum (UK) AREA OF EXPERTISE:  Palaeontology, ichthyosaurs YEARS EXPERIENCE:   8 (unless you count my interest from childhood!) EDUCATION:  I took…
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world fellow

Yale World Fellow, Alexander Verbeek @Alex_Verbeek: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Alexander Verbeek CURRENT TITLE: Strategic Policy Adviser Global Issues, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands; Recent Yale World Fellow, Yale University AREA OF EXPERTISE: Strategic policy on climate, water, food, energy and resources; human geography YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 20+ EDUCATION: MSc,…
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