Tag Archive: volcanoes

Volcanology, Simon Halliwell @Shalliwell91: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME:  Simon Halliwell CURRENT TITLE: Seeking opportunity CONTACT INFORMATION:  [email protected] AREA OF INTEREST:  Volcanology and Geological Hazards EDUCATION: MSc Volcanology and Geological Hazards Graduate, Lancaster University, United Kingdom What’s your interest? As you may have guessed by my degree, I…
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Volcanologist, Charlie Barrington @cb797: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Charlie Barrington CURRENT TITLE: Volcanologist, Department of Volcanology, Instituto Geofisico, Escuela Politécnica Nacional in Quito, Ecuador AREA OF EXPERTISE:  Volcanic degassing, Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) YEARS EXPERIENCE:  ~1 (including placements at the Centre for Exchange and Research in Volcanology,…
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Research Fellow, Volcanology Mike Cassidy @MikeVolc: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME: Mike Cassidy CURRENT TITLE: UPDATE! Now, NERC Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. Previously, at the time of this guest blog, Humboldt Research Fellow at the University of Mainz, Germany. EXPERTISE: Volcanology, petrology and geochemistry YEARS EXPERIENCE:  ~7.5 years…
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PhD Candidate, Volcano Seismology, Kathi Unglert @volcanokathi: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME:  Kathi Unglert CURRENT TITLE:  PhD Candidate at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (since 2011) AREA OF EXPERTISE:  Volcano seismology, other volcano geophysics, machine learning YEARS EXPERIENCE: 5 EDUCATION:  After graduating with a combined BSc in geosciences from Ludwig-Maximilians-University/Technical…
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Volcanologist, Dr. Rebecca Williams @Volcanologist: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME:  Dr. Rebecca Williams CURRENT TITLE:  Lecturer in Geology (Volcanology) at the University of Hull, United Kingdom, since February 2013. AREA OF EXPERTISE:  I’m a volcanologist who specialises in hazardous volcanic flows, igneous petrology and geochemistry. YEARS EXPERIENCE:  9 years of education, and 5…
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Research Assistant, Volcanic Hazards, Elaine Smid @lavabombs: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME:  Elaine Smid CURRENT TITLE:  Research Scientist AREA OF EXPERTISE:  Volcanic Hazards YEARS EXPERIENCE:  6 EDUCATION: B.A. Environmental Science, University of Virginia (2000); M.S. Geology & Geophysics, University of Hawai’i at Manoa (2004); PhD in progress, University of Auckland WEBSITE:…
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Professor, Volcanology, Dr. David Pyle @davidmpyle: A Day in the GeoLife Series

NAME:  David Pyle CURRENT TITLE:  Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Oxford, UK. AREA OF EXPERTISE:  My research is mainly in the area of volcanology, igneous petrology and geochemistry – unravelling the stories of past volcanic eruptions, and…
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PhD Candidate, Volcanology, Tom Pering: A Day in the GeoLife Series @Volcanoblog

NAME:  Tom Pering CURRENT TITLE:  PhD Candidate AREA OF EXPERTISE:  Volcanology (Remote Sensing and Modelling) YEARS EXPERIENCE:  4 EDUCATION: BSc Physical Geography at the University of Reading and MSc Volcanology and Geological Hazards at Lancaster University WEBSITE:  http://www.volcano-blog.com/ What’s your…
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